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All matches of the tournament are refereed by referees licensed by the Czech Floorball.
Tournament Jury
Petr Šíma, Dan Koubek, Vit Filipi

Match schedule
The organizer reserves the right to change the published schedule. In case of changes, all team leaders of the teams affected by the change will be informed. It is the responsibility of the teams to follow the info boards for any changes that the organizer reserves the right to make. The boards are at each hall, they are especially important during the final group matches, for smooth continuity and play-offs procedures. In case of doubt, teams should contact the tournament management at phone +420 777 629 254 or the respective hall manager.

Roster of players
It is the responsibility of each participating team to turn in a completed roster. The roster is to be turned in at the presentation. Only players listed on the roster under their personal name will be allowed to play. After the first game has been played, the roster may be supplemented, but not by a player already on the roster of another participating team. This can always be done 60 minutes before the next match and the ID fee is paid. During the tournament, players can only be added at the tournament office at the HAT hall.

Player's start
A player can only start for one team during the tournament. An exception is when a player starts for one club in more than one age category. At the request of the referee, the team must present identification or other documents that clearly identify the player and his age. The opposing team may also request a confrontation, but no later than half-time of the contested match and upon payment of the protest fee. Any unauthorized start by a player will result in a 0:5 forfeit and the player's expulsion from the tournament.

A protest must be submitted in writing to the Hall Manager no later than 15 minutes after the end of the match. The fee for filing a protest is 200 CZK In case of rejection of the protest the fee is forfeited. Protests against the performance of the referees will not be accepted. The decision of the tournament jury is final.
Exclusion of a player
Red card 1: exclusion until the end of the match
Red card 2: automatic ban from the next match
Red card 3: leads to the player being suspended for the remainder of the tournament

Waiting period
It is not possible to use a waiting period in a tournament due to time constraints. In the case the team will be late, the match will be abandoned against of the late team. In the event of two forfeits due to a late start, the team will be eliminated from the tournament and the results of their match will be voided.
Jersey colours
In the event of identical jersey colours, the visiting team must change into an alternate set of jerseys.

Pre-match warm-ups cannot take place on the pitch except for final matches.

The 1st place team will receive a trophy. Players of the 1st-4th place teams will receive medals. The match for third place will not be played.
Time-out cannot be taken in the group matches. Time-out is only allowed in play-offs matches.

Match report
Each team is required to turn in a properly completed match report at the timekeeper's table no later than 10 minutes prior to the start of the match. Minutes will be given to each team at the time of presentation.

In play-offs games, the game is played to a decision. In the event of a tie score at the end of regulation time, a shootout will follow.

Playing the shootout
A series of three penalty shots is played followed by a sudden death shootout to a decision. Players who have already started the first series of three shootouts can start in the sudden death series too.

Player insurance
Participants start at their own risk. The organizer is not responsible for any injury, illness or loss during the tournament.

Locker rooms
The changing rooms at all halls are pass-through. Teams must take all belongings with them to the pitch. The organisers are in no way responsible for items left in the changing rooms.

Qualifying criteria
1. points
2. points from a mutual match
3. score from the match
4. total score
5. random draw

Playing time
In the basic groups 2 x 15 mins. In play-offs 2 x 20 mins and last 3 min net time. In U9 2 x 10 mins.
U9, U11 and BU13/GU13 - these categories play with 5+1 system on a 34 x 17 m pitch.
U9, U11 - goals about 90 x 60 cm. BU13 and GU13 - one lowering in the goals.



Speciální vlakové spojení: přijeďte na turnaj Open Game Expressem

Naskýtá se výjimečný způsob, jak vycestovat na letošní ročník Brno Open Game. Organizátoři ve spolupráci s KOS Transportation zajistí zvláštní vlak, kterým se dostanete do dějiště turnaje i zpátky domů. Zvláštní vlak pojede po trase Říčany – Praha* – Kolín – Pardubice hl.n. – Brno hl.n., a to pro všechny

Hummel - vybírejte!

Charakter od roku 1923. Od roku 1923 do dneška. Pod logem, inspirovaném obyčejným čmelákem (v němčině "Hummel"), nabízí dánská firma špičkové obutí i oblečení pro halové sporty, fotbal a další aktivity. Katalog pro sezónu 2024/25 MÁTE NĚJAKÉ DOTAZY? ZAVOLEJTE NÁM: +420 545 422 431   

Prezentace týmů dětské části

Letošní prezence týmů pro dětskou část Brno Open Game 2024 Prezence týmů se uskuteční nákupním centru – a to ve středu 19.6.2024 od 12 do 20 hodin a ve čtvrtek 20. 6. 2024 od 7:30 do 17 hodin. Před příchodem na prezenci by týmy už měly mít správně vyplněné soupisky. Během prezence pak týmy doplatí ubytování, uhradí a převezmou náramky.

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